Dropkick Murphys had to cancel their show at Cain’s Ballroom in Tulsa, after a pedestrian committed suicide by running out in front of their tour bus. The accident happened just north of Austin Texas after the band was dropping off Al Barr, who was flying home to attend the funeral of a friend. The driver was severely shaken up, and there was too much damage to the bus to continue on to Tulsa.
The band posted the following on their Facebook:
Throughout the early morning hours we tried every possible way to get our band and gear to Tulsa but we’ve simply run out of time. As much as it pains us to miss a show and we truly apologize for it, we’d like to stop and acknowledge that a man has lost his life. Please keep him and any family he might have in your prayers.
All tickets that were purchased via phone or Internet, will automatically be refunded. Those that bought tickets at the door can return to Cain’s box office for a refund.